The Meaning of the Word 'Ascension'
Many people are confused about what Ascension means when it is referred to in the spiritual sense. Ascension can mean different things to many people. The literal definition of the word ascension means: the act of ascending or ascent; to be risen up or to climb. The concept or idea of Ascension itself can be explained in several different contexts depending on the spiritual tradition or philosophy.
About Ascension
Ascension, in a simple and spiritual sense is very similar to the Eastern concept of Enlightenment found in Buddhism. To become Enlightened can simply mean to have "full comprehension of a situation". Enlightenment is a spiritual revelation or deep insight into the meaning and purpose of all things, communication with or understanding of the mind of God or Source, profound spiritual understanding or a fundamentally changed consciousness whereby everything is perceived as an interconnected unity.
Ascension in its basic spiritual or mystical sense can be thought of as the highest state of Man (humanity). It is the expansion of awareness. It involves the realization of being ONE with the Creator and all of creation. An individual is 'ascending' in the sense that something of a lower vibration is ascending; is is being 'raised up' or becoming higher in vibration. This is why many Spiritual traditions aim to achieve the dissolution of the human ego (lower self) in order to realize the true nature of their being, or Higher Self.
Ascension, in this spiritual sense of the word, does not mean that one's physical body is lifted off the ground and flies through the air, ascending up into or above the clouds towards a physical place called 'heaven', although some religious adherents still literally imagine this very scenario. But for the sake of understanding, If Ascension did actually involve entering heaven without dying, then it would be more accurate to say that Ascension is about 'bringing heaven to earth' by raising the 'lower vibrational aspect of your non-physical being to a higher vibrational state of being or realization.
Ascension can also be understood in a more metaphysical way by considering the concept of 'Dimensions' or 'planes of existence, or planes of conscious'. This would mean that Ascension is about shifting from one dimension, frequency, plane of existence or conscious (such as the 'lower' physical Earth plane) to another plane, dimension or state of consciousness that is of a 'higher frequency'.
The Ascended Masters and the I AM Presence
There are various other human beings throughout history that are said to have completed the Ascension process while on Earth. These individuals are known as the Ascended Masters, a concept stemming from Theosophical teachings. Adherents of the Ascended Master Teachings believe that each person on Earth is an incarnation of an "Individualized Presence" of the "Most High Living God," which is called the "Mighty I AM Presence"
In this theosophical or metaphysical context, the Ascension is involves a return to complete "Oneness with God" by raising the outer atomic structure of the physical, emotional, and metal bodies into the Electronic Structure of the I AM Consciousness; one then becomes an Ascended Master and eventually a Cosmic Being, and beyond.
This complete process would require one to develop mastery over the lower-vibrational planes of matter through love, and by the resolution of negative karma and ego; in this way, one can become a conscious co-creator and assist in the fulfilment of the Divine Plan as it unfolds on Earth and within all higher planes of existence.
Ascended Masters would be the Master Jesus, Confucius, Gautama Buddha, Mary the Mother of Jesus, St. Paul of Tarsus (aka Hilarion), Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, Metatron, Kwan Yin, Saint Germain and Kuthumi, as well as dozens of others.
The Inner Path of Ascension
The Ascension is also a chosen path that an individual can consciously commit themselves to walking throughout this human life experience. The Ascension is a way or a path of Being, a conscious choice, and a matter and manner of living as well.
If something feels bad, is harmful or has a negative effect on all then it is considered to be of a lower vibration. In the same sense, if something feels good, is beneficial or has a positive effect on all then it is considered to be of a higher vibration.
In a very human sense, and even as Jesus the Christ taught, Ascension is about transforming negative into positive; hate and fear into love and courage; from limitation and restriction to freedom and expansion; it is about turning a close mind into an open mind; prejudice into acceptance; ignorance to understanding; darkness to light; resentment to forgiveness; cruelty and anger to kindness and compassion; selfishness to selflessness and it means going from service to self to service to others.
Ascension is about awakening the human heart and spirit, inner wisdom, and is the evolution of human consciousness and the planet itself.
A Spiritual Awakening
The Ascension is taking place right now on the planet and many people are already Ascending. Now, these individuals are not 'dissapearing' in the literal sense, but in a way, their reality is changing. It can be a short process or one that takes a lifetime (or many).
Many people all over the planet are 'waking up' and their individual vibration or frequency is increasing; in other words, their consciousness is expanding and their heart is awakening. Many others are still spiritually unconscious, or 'asleep', and in extreme cases, many are still consciously and unconsciously contributing to much of the chaos and turmoil within the world; many are not at peace within their own selves or are not yet at the point of realizing the true spiritual nature of their beings or their higher purpose on the planet at this time.
But we must remember that everyone is ascending at a different pace, and everyone is walking their own unique path as individual sparks of the ONE creator or God. Individuals can progress spiritually in different ways through different means, and can even ascend to different degrees, at different levels; they can also fluctuate in either vibrational direction at times, since we are still having a human experience embodied in flesh on the physical Earth. We are all in this together and we must be careful not to judge others so harshly.
At the heart of free-will is the acceptance that we must allow an individual to do their own spiritual work in a way that is benefical to their own Soul-Growth and level of consciousness. Most will come to their own understanding of these concepts at their own pace through experience and insight, and they may travel many different paths (sometimes through pain or harsh lessons) before the Ascension process or Spiritual Awakening occurs for them.
Ascension Signs & Symptoms
You just 'know' or sense that something is happening/changing. You just feel different for reasons you can't explain.
Stomach and digestive issues, IBS, gastrointestinal problems; loss of appetite; periods of unexplained nausea.
Sudden changes in body temperatures; increased sensitivity or intolerance to heat or cold; abnormal heat and/or cold in certain body parts.
Cold or Flu-like symptoms that appear and then disappear just as suddenly without escalating.
Frequent headaches; head pressure or other unusual sensations in the crown area; warmth, tingling, pinpricks, pulsating energy.
Increase in sensitivity of smell; strange smells from time to time that seem to come out of nowhere; Sinus and allergy issues.
Changes in vision and perception; catching glimpses of shadows, mist or smoke, flashes of light, sparkles, colors and swirling forms of energy.
Changes in hearing or sensitivity to sound; hearing strange sounds, tones and frequencies in your ears; whooshing, buzzing or ear popping/pressure.
Periods where you feel extremely cold for long periods of time or have a chill in your body, cold hands or feet; circulation issues.
Changes in diet, appetite and eating habits; Sudden cravings for or aversions to certain foods; Unexplainable weight gain or loss.
Sudden intolerances/allergies to certain food or other products and chemical sensitivities.
Changes in sleep patterns; waves of extreme fatigue that come and go unexpectedly; periods of restlessness or insomnia; a need for more or less sleep than normal;
Sporadic sleep schedules; repeated waking in the middle of the night especially around 3 am; unusual dreams or more lucid dreams.
Increase in daydreaming, fantasy; flashes of insights and visions; increased creativity and imagination.
Intense waves of heat throughout the body, hot flashes, chills or night sweats; feeling extremely hot or waves or warming energy in various chakra centres.
Increased static electrical charge in the body; energy 'zaps', tingles, itching, pinpricks; muscle spasms or twitches that occur sporadically in certain parts of the body.
General body aches and pains, tension and soreness not caused by injury or exercise.
Clumsiness, lack of coordination at times, bumping into or dropping objects more often; dizziness or feeling ungrounded.
Sporadic bursts of increased energy or inspiration; feeling hyper-active or frantic energy; panic attacks; accelerated mental energy; racing or scattered thoughts.
Unexplainable nervousness or anxiety that comes and goes spontaneously for no apparent reason.
Feeling Intense or unusual vibrations; experiencing pulsating or rushing waves of energy, tingling sensations pressure throughout the body or in specific areas (chakra centres).
Extreme sensitivity; feeling over-emotional; Episodes of crying for no apparent reason or bouts of hysterical laughter for no apparent reason.
Periods of intense frustration, anger or rage, short-tempered or easily agitated or impatient.
Moments where you experience increase in heart rate out of the blue, or unusual sensations in the heart chakra area.
Unusual skin changes that come and go (rashes, hives, itching or tingles).
Changes in hair and nail texture, colour or rate of growth. Hair and nails may grow faster than normal.
Feeling more drawn to be in nature and in more serene environments.
A sudden increase in synchronicity (meaningful coincidences); seeing 11:11 or other recurring numbers often.
Abrupt changes with job, friends, hobbies, interests, or living environments or strong urge to relocate.
Physicality may feel 'unreal' at times and external reality appears dreamlike at times.
Increased "self-talk" or inner dialogue; issues with voice or speech.
A need for more personal space and alone time; introversion.
Feeling invisible, alienated or detached from from others and/or the world around you.
Feeling lost or a sudden loss of your old 'identity' and a calling to find your true self.
A deep longing to go Home even though you may not know where 'home' is.
A sense of urgency like you are running out of time or that 'something is about to happen'.
Moments of heightened energy where you may receive channelled information ; or automatic writing.
Sudden lack of mental focus and ability to concentrate or comprehend linear information; feeling scattered; brain fog; confusion; forgetting things more often.
Feeling ungrounded at times, scattered or spacey thoughts; feeling detached or in a dream-like trance.
Time distortions; losing track of time; a sense that time is 'speeding up' or 'slowing down' at various moments;
You begin to see halos of light around people, animals and objects; distorted or blurred vision; sensitivity to bright light; more intense closed-eye visions.
Increased Telepathy with other people and animals; flashes of insight and increased Intuition.
Feeling that you have a Divine purpose on the planet and that you are on a special 'mission'.
Profound feeling of love, peace, understanding and interconnectedness with All things.
Increased psychic awareness and sensitivity, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and intuition.
Bizarre or intense dreams; prophetic or precognitive dreams or dreamlike visions occurring more often.
Electronic devices may malfunction often in your presence (lights may flicker or bulbs burn out often).
A feeling that you are not alone or that there is a non-physical presence near you (visits from angelic beings, spirits, e.t's, messengers and guides)
Experiencing sudden inspirations and divine revelations, rushes of energy and flashes of deep insight.
A feeling that something is 'about to happen' or something important is coming, although you don't know what or when.
A Word of Advice
Remember that not all of these symptoms may be due to the ascension process. Please follow your own inner guidance and consult a health care professional as needed. If you are experiencing a majority of these symptoms it is a good indication that you are experiencing the ascension process more fully or at an accelerated rate. For treating ascension symptoms, more holistic healing methods and natural remedies are always encouraged alongside any other necessary treatment and for overall long term health and healing benefits.
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